How to make sure your kid is consuming safe online content
Spy Phone at Jun 6 2020 9:12PM
How to make sure your kid is consuming safe online content
With more children having access to the internet through phones, computers, and tablets, monitoring internet usage of children has become a top priority. Children are at a higher risk of falling prey to strangers online, and being victimized by sexual predators as well as cyberbullies. They may not even realize the full extent of danger they’re in when they browse the internet either to message friends, play games, or watch a video online. Ensuring your child is consuming safe online content isn’t always easy but here are some tips to help you out:
Communicate openly
Communicate the dangers of internet use with your child. Make sure they understand the extent of danger involved in talking to strangers or worse, agreeing to meet them. When your child is aware of which sites are unsafe for them and the negative repercussions of certain online interactions, they can engage in more mindful online activity. This will also help them feel comfortable approaching you in case of any trouble as opposed to feeling intimidated or fearing punishment. You must also make it clear to your children never to share personal details online, including phone numbers or address.
Limit internet usage
Limiting the amount of time they spend on the internet will also reduce opportunities for unsafe internet browsing and take them away from a screen. It can also provide more opportunities for family time and improve bonding with your child. Internet usage can also be restricted with the use of parental controls to automatically block websites that have sexually explicit material or content that isn’t kid friendly.
Keep children in sight
Your children are less likely to browse questionable content when you’re in the vicinity so make sure they’re using the internet with you around so that you can keep an eye on them. You must also be aware of other places where they have access to the internet like in school or friends’ houses and find out about what is being done there to promote safety of children browsing the web.
Monitor internet use
Regularly check your kids’ browsing history to know about what they do when they’re online. You must also monitor the conversations your children have online and whom they interact with to know whether or not they’re talking to strangers. You must emphasize the importance of avoiding chats with strangers online and the dangers of agreeing to meet anyone your children don’t already know.
Using our spy phone, phone tracker, or spy phone app, you can get access to information about your child’s location, websites visited; calls taken, as well as contacts interacted with to promote child safety.